Should Cell Phones Be Banned in Class?

With the ubiquity of cell phones, there are still many concerns arising on whether the usage of these mobile phones be removed from the learning environment. The world of cellular technology is rapidly increasing with the expanding features of multimedia and quick access to gaming which further drives interest among adolescents and even preteens. As such, this issue has been argued by many as it is known that cell phones are tools that are equipped with the latest features which can be helpful but unknowingly plays a crucial role.

The utilization of cell phones should be allowed in the classroom. In class, teachers write a lot of important notes on the blackboard and ask the students to jot it down to the notebook. The largest stumbling block of this learning method is when students are jotting notes, they usually can not hear what the teacher has just said. That lowers the student's absorption of listening. Nowadays we have cellphones, so we can take photos of the notes and later jot the notes on the notebook at home. This method can let students take notes without affecting listening.

Cell phones are also very useful in emergency situations. If a student experiences any unexpected bad incidents, he can dial for help anywhere. In non-emergency situations, it is also very useful. For example, if there is a broken ditch cover, you can dial to the related government organisation and complain about it. Hence, cellphones are very helpful to reduce accidents.

Another positive aspect that hovers among the population is communication. It makes the world get more possibility. Mobile phones allow you to communicate with foreigners, no matter how far he or she is. You can discuss anything with them. Also, mobile phone reduced a lot of idle time. For instance, in the past, students usually sit there and do nothing for an hour when discussing a project, just because one student lives far away and arrives late. In the days that cellphones exist, everyone can use video conference apps to discuss projects, e.g.Whatsapp, Zoom, Skype ,Google duo, etc. If you want to discuss the project with a foreign friend, and he, or she, is at a very different time zone, you need Wechat, Whatsapp and Skype which also support non-instant messaging.

In addition, cellphones make humans more intelligent. Your knowledge and your teacher's knowledge are all limited, but you can't actually see the limit of the knowledge of the internet. Each time you open Wikipedia or Google and search for information, your scope of knowledge is extended.

On the other hand, someone argued that students will get distracted, gossiping with classmates, cheating at test and even obtaining sexual material by using cellphone. I think it is not the phone's fault. It is the student's fault. Even if you banned cellphones in school, misbehaved students can also fold paper planes and read comics under the desk, gossiping in class, peeping his classmate's answer in tests and buying pornographic magazines after school. These problems existed before the first cellphone was invented.

Using cellphone is the biggest trend of now and the foreseeable future. We don't want children to be outdated and become strange. Jim Henson said, "If you can't beat it, join it." Yet, allowing the usage of mobile phones in class should set up rules. In my opinion, school rules need not allow students to see any sexual material or play mobile games because there is an app pre-installed in the phones, which cannot be disabled or uninstalled, blocking all the websites that includes sexual material or some famous game websites. App stores are supervised. It will send the browsing history to the school daily. Any improper phone usuage of a student will be reported and the student will be punished.

Cell phones recently have been technologically upgrading and boasts all the features assisting in many tasks. It is suggested that phone manufacturers produce phones specifically for schooling and learning. I think this type of phone will be introduced in the near future, since the market potential of teenagers is great.





