A Furious Bus Driver

Jacky was reading the newspaper in jail when he knew that one drunken driver crashed into a truck causing 11 people to lose their lives. The news brought back terrifying memories of what happened to him two years ago. The incident was so vivid in his mind as though it just happened yesterday.

On that horrible day, he broke up with his girlfriend. He went to his friend for a console. However, his friend laughed at him. Annoyed, he still went to work. He was a bus driver. He was late for 10 minutes and one passenger was crossed about this. The passenger shouted ,"where have you been?" Irritated, Jacky sat on the driver's seat. No one knew the quarrel of Jacky and passenger were not yet finished, and also what it would transform into.

The bus went off at full speed. Before long, it was speeding down the hill. "Be quick, sloworm!" that passenger continued. Everyone thought he was a pyscho. He seemed to be in an enormous hurry. "How dare you waste my precious time!" He added. The bus swerved from side to side dangerously. Everyone on the bus, except Jacky and that passenger, were very nervous and anxious. Jacky was mad and furious.

"Sweeeep!" The bus almost crashed into a car and the coating of the car was scratched. Everyone on the bus, again, except Jacky and that passenger, have butterflies in their stomachs. The familiar shouting sound of that passenger shrieked, "Hey, are you trying to murder us?" Heard this, Jacky slammed on the accelerator. The bus reached 100 km/h of speed. A few bothered and distressed people jumped out from the emergency exit. Relief was written on their faces, although they are slightly injured. This feeling didn't last long. They were too stunned to inch away from the situation that could only be seen in Hollywood movies. The bus engine had exploded. Burning petrol were anywhere. The bus has flipped over after the great bang. And as for those in the bus, everyone was trying to escape from the chaos. Some passengers tried to find emergency glass breaking hammer. Yet, they found out that it was nowhere to be seen. They have to take the risk to get out of the bus from broken glass. Nevertheless, they still managed to escape. No one wanted to die at the second explosion.

The incident was not over. That passenger pursed his lips and clenched his face into tight balls. He was attempting to hit Jacky. He failed as he was severally injured. Fortunately, the bus hasn't exploded again.

The accident caused 24 people dead and 69 injured. The firemen came and saved the few remaining victims. The judge passed a sentence that Jacky could be in jail for 20 years and would not be allowed to be the driver of public transport anymore. His life changed overnight, all because of failure in controlling emotions.


  1. 謝利米哥哥,

    It makes me very grief and makes me crying when i am reading your writing.





