A Terrifying Robbery

I quivered with excitement as I had to open my first own account in the bank today. I had been waiting for this moment for 18 years. I stared in surprise at the size of the bank with numerous people standing in line. Ahead of me in the queue was a well-dressed man carrying a satchel. He stood out in the crowd because he glanced back a few times. He looked as though he was waiting for someone. When he reached the counter, all activities behind the counter froze. Then there was a sudden burst of activities as bank tellers pulled open drawers and hand over wads of thousand-dollar notes to the man.

To our shared surprise, the front door was barricaded by three equally well-dressed man who held machine guns in their hands. The first robber also took out all his weapons from his satchel. There was a TNT bomb and a pistol.

'Get down!' One of them shouted.

Everyone squatted on the floor, we kept our heads down, not daring to look up. I was wondering whether we would be able to get out of the bank alive? That scene which could only been seen in Hollywood movies came alive.

At that crucial moment, police cars screeched to a halt outside the bank, and a school of armed policemen holding guns and protective shields stormed in. One of the four plain-clothes police officers shouted, 'You guys are surrounded by police, drop down the weapons.' They were all holding pistols on their hands, standing behind the armed police. Everyone screamed and there was mayhem as panic-stricken customers dashed out of the bank.

Out of the blue, an old woman besides me was huffing and puffing. She looked very sick and covered her heart by hand. She told me that she had a heart disease. I put her on my back in no time and ran outside. Luckily an ambulance called by the police had been waiting outside the bank. The paramedics took care of the terrified old lady professionally.

'Bang! Bang!' The sound of firing inside the bank got into my ears. A sense of horror crept up to my head and I have butterflies in my stomach. I could imagine dead bodies lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The police took me to the police station for recording a statement because I was one of the eyewitnesses.

I found out from news that night that plain-clothes police officers were actually stationed in the bank as they had been aware of the heist that the robbers had been planning. The incident terrified me but I still wanted to return to open my account.


  1. 謝利米哥哥,

    It is very stimulate and i also love the plot in the story.👍

    1. Thanks. I will work harder.

    2. 謝利米哥哥,

      No thanks💪👏

    3. You should say 'You are welcome' or 'Not at all' 😊

    4. 謝利米哥哥,

      Thanks for your correction.





