Bullying on School Bus

"Stop pushing me!" cried a high-pitched voice. There was laughter all around as a pint-sized boy try to board the school bus. The steps are steep and the little boy had to hold on to the side of the bus to climb up. He wobbled unsteadily as he stepped onto each step.

The little boy had finally reached the top step when a burly boy behind him tugged at his school bag. The light tug caused him to lean back so much that he lost his balance and stepped right onto a bully's feet. I saw clearly in my eyes; yet I did not warn him as I didn't want to get into trouble, but an ominous hunch crept up to my head.

"Hey!" shouted the bully. He pulled his feet out from under the little boy's, causing the latter to fall over and land right on him. A sense of horror rushed through my veins as I noticed that the bully was Ben. He had received six warning letters just because of bullying. Steadying himself, Ben pushed the little boy up the bus, shouting rudely at him. The little boy hurried off to sit at a corner, hoping that no one would talk to him. Soon the driver's started the engine and the bus rumbled off.

At this moment my angel and devil started quarrelling in my head. At first, my morbid fear of Ben was used to be the devil, to let me sit here and be a silent observer. The devil seemed to get the upper hand, but the angel said to me, "You are already strong enough. It is a a piece of cake to fight Ben. You are much taller than Ben and you win more PE badges than him. Stand up and fight!" 

The angel ruled my soul. Before long, the school bus dashed to a short underground tunnel. What could I see were Ben's bloody red eyes, which was just transformed from black. No one could escaped from him without bruises around the body if he stared at the victim like that. The little boy was too shocked to ask for help from the driver. As soon as the light came in the bus again, Ben left his seat, clenched his fist and attempted to hit the little boy squarely on his eye. I could not bear it! To their shared surprise, Ben hit my hand instead of the little boy's face. I saw anger and fear rushed through his veins and blood crept up to his face. He was pissed off. 

ln a short time, the bus screeched to a halt. Everyone looked at Ben and me. I glared at Ben and told him not to go near the little boy anymore. Ben nipped his lip but said nothing. 

The little boy told me that his name called Sam. Sam and I kept chatting until he went off the bus. We became good friends. He said he was glad that someone had stood up for him on the bus. He knew that every time anyone try to bully him, I will always on his side.


  1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

    1. 謝利米哥哥,

      Your writing is so good that it engraved in my mind.

      I also wrote a story with the same topical and will share you later.

    2. I saw your writing and it is nice. Add oil! :)

    3. 作者已經移除這則留言。





