P6 Homework 4


Dear Diary, 

        This morning I went to Central by ferry after visiting Grandma. On the ferry, I saw a man who was wearing a mask and a pair of sunglasses. He looked suspicious that made me remember the bank robber on news last week. 

        Before long, two women sat down while chatting. One who sat next to the suspicious man putting her handbag on the seat. My intuition told me that things were not so simple. It seemed that he was pondering how to steal something. He couldn’t sit still for long without fidgeting.  

          After a period of time, while the two women were chatting animatedly, a sense of horror crept up to my head. The suspicious man attempted to steal the woman’s purse! At this moment my angel and devil started quarreling in my head. At first, my devil forced me to decide that not to warn her as I didn’t want to get into trouble. The devil seemed to get the upper hand, but my angel said to me, 'You need to warn her. Within seconds, she will lose her purse, which may contain bank cards and the far more important one which is the identity card. She would get into grave trouble. Also, it is definitely safe as there are a lot of people on the ferry.’ 

           The angel ruled my soul. In no time, I speaked loudly to the lady, ‘Miss, be care of your purse.’ The man became furious and shouted, ‘What on earth are you saying?’ I said, calmly, ‘I have just recorded all your actions by my mobile. Go away, without the purse, or I will forward it to the police.’ The man blushed and rushed to the lower deck of the ferry. 

           The lady thanked me. A sense of happiness rushed through my veins because I stood up and pointed out a crime. I think I had grown up a lot today.





