P6 Homework 6

One day, Daisy called me. She told me that she would go to Europe for two weeks. She asked me to take care of her pot plant. Immediately, I agreed. 

‘Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong! ‘ The doorbell rang. She gave me her pot plant and reminded me to water it daily. From then on, I placed it at the balcony under the sunlight and took good care of it. 

After a few days, when I was playing video games in the living room, I heard a bang out of blue. My jaw dropped to the floor because I spot that Daisy’s pot plant had flipped over. Thanks to my beloved cat, Coco, it probably tripped the pot plant over when it was playing at the balcony.  I was cross about Coco, but it’s useless. 

I went psycho to rescue Daisy’s pot plant. I took triple as good care than before and kept Coco away from the balcony. However, it did not seemed to recover and start to wither slowly as it has been severely damaged. I felt agitated. 

I felt remorseful and apologetic about the incident. After two weeks, Daisy came for her beloved pot plant. I had butterflies in my stomach. I explained what had happened to her. I was regretful when I saw her eyes welled up in tears and she hung her head low. She took back her pot plant, silently. 




