Short Writing Practice 2

Opened and checked the mailbox today, I saw a letter from HKEAA. I felt agitated and troubled. In no time, I rushed back home. When I sliced open the envelope with a knife and took out the letter, I got informed that my results will be accessible on HKEAA website fifteen days later. I have butterflies in my stomach. 

Time flew, today the result would be announced. Distressed, I started fidgeting. I typed the website, entered  my username and password. I quivered with anxiety. The page seemed to load for ages. When the page finished loading, the disappointing number 83 reached my eyes. I started with a little bit confused, and then a little bit resentful, and ended up with heavy - hearted and blue. My eyes welled up in tears. I had put very much effort on it, and I got high marks in the mock exam. My mother comforted me, "It's no need for being gloomy. The exam is over. The only thing to do is to work harder and achieve better score at the next exam." I nodded. 


  1. 謝利米哥哥,

    Your writing is getting better and better.💪💪





