P6 Homework 2

Hi Jason, 

Yesterday my classmate, Daniel, and I helped some Primary 2 students with their homework. We were in the “Big Brother Big Sister Programme”. We started with explaining questions on their English homework.  

After a good explanation, we moved on rapidly. We got only one student left after one quarter, and she had problems with her mathematics homework. She complained about the sums that she thought was difficult. So, I read the sums and I thought they were easy. I explained them clearly and she understood the first few questions. Nevertheless, it took longer time to make her to understand the questions that were harder. She was feeling upset that tears started flooding her eyes and she hung her head low. 

Out of blue, she could not contain herself. Within seconds, she erupted like a volcano. ‘I could not bear it!' she shouted. Annoyed, she dropped all the books on the floor and dashed away, leaving me stunned. 

Write back soon! 



  1. 謝利米哥哥,

    i use the sentence "Out of blue, she could not contain herself. Within seconds, she erupted like a volcano." in my school writing.

    Thanks for your share!





