
目前顯示的是 4月, 2020的文章


美國作家 齊格. 齊格勒 說:「健康的身體孕育健康的心靈。」 想擁有健康的身體,運動必不可少,不知道大家是否每天都有做運動呢? 運動對生理和心理都有好處,讓我為大家逐一點列。 首先,運動可以讓人有健康的體魄,令我們增強免疫力。衛生署數據指出, 有規律地做運動對降低不同病症的風險也很有成效, 例如:糖尿病、中風、癌症等,而且訓練了手腳的協調, 可見運動與健康息息相關。 第二,現在香港的小學生接近兩成都有癡肥的問題 , 而主要的原因是熱量攝取過多而導致脂肪積聚。 班中體型較龐大的同學總會被其他同學起花名, 被稱呼為「肥仔」或「肥妹」,這樣會打擊他們的自尊心! 唯有通過帶氧運動來減少脂肪, 才能令他們重拾自信。 第三, 多做運動能讓身體分泌多巴胺,令身體產生放鬆和愉快的感覺, 可以減少患上抑鬱症的機會。例如:短跑和 游泳,不但能挑戰自己,完成後更充滿滿足感, 出了一身汗, 心情更愉快。 第四,我們可以參與團體運動,如: 曲棍球和足球,培養合作精神以及默契,認識各人有不同的長處,學懂不要過度自我中心。 而且,整隊一起朝著同一目標前進,能夠學會互相體諒,增進友誼。 良性的競爭還能使人進步,使人更熱愛運動呢! 多做運動對身心都有益處,是打開健康大門的鑰匙。 既然運動的益處多不勝數,從今天起就讓我們一起多做運動,強身健體,調理身心吧!

A Terrifying Robbery

I quivered with excitement as I had to open my first own account in the bank today. I had been waiting for this moment for 18 years. I stared in surprise at the size of the bank with numerous people standing in line. Ahead of me in the queue was a well-dressed man carrying a satchel. He stood out in the crowd because he glanced back a few times. He looked as though he was waiting for someone. When he reached the counter, all activities behind the counter froze. Then there was a sudden burst of activities as bank tellers pulled open drawers and hand over wads of thousand-dollar notes to the man. To our shared surprise, the front door was barricaded by three equally well-dressed man who held machine guns in their hands. The first robber also took out all his weapons from his satchel. There was a TNT bomb and a pistol. 'Get down!' One of them shouted. Everyone squatted on the floor, we kept our heads down, not daring to look up. I was wondering whether we would be able to get out ...


今天你被老師稱讚,請你寫一篇日記,記述今天所發生的事情和你的感受。  7月14日    星期三     雨 今天是散學禮前的最後一天,只上半天課,但天色陰暗,下著毛毛細雨,連地上也是濕淋淋的。 叮噹!叮噹!小息到來了。我拿著書本到圖書館還書。梯間異常地安靜,使一種不祥的預感油然而生。當我到達二樓時,一個大概是一、二年級的小男孩正奔向樓梯口時,踩在一攤水上,重重地摔了一跤,頭先墜地,暈倒在地上不省人事,我目瞪口呆,足足半分鐘不能動彈。 此時我回憶起常識書中的急救方法。我小心翼翼地把他的身子推側以免他突然嘔吐窒息。我再找來了一位附近的同學看守著他,防止任何人碰觸他,而我就飛奔去找老師。我在校務處見到陳老師,立即請他去看個究竟。陳老師到達時,那個小男孩仍昏迷不醒,於是陳老師當機立斷,即時報警。 在救護車到達前,我內心焦急極了!直至見到救護員專業地為小男孩急救,小男孩悠悠轉醒,我我才放下心頭的大石。最後小男孩被送往醫院檢查及治療,後來聽陳老師說他情況穩定,我的心情才不再忐忑不安。老師表揚了我的處變不驚,其實即使我沒有被表揚,我也會感到高興,因為助人為快樂之本,而最重要的是小男孩平安無恙。

A Furious Bus Driver

Jacky was reading the newspaper in jail when he knew that one drunken driver crashed into a truck causing 11 people to lose their lives. The news brought back terrifying memories of what happened to him two years ago. The incident was so vivid in his mind as though it just happened yesterday. On that horrible day, he broke up with his girlfriend. He went to his friend for a console. However, his friend laughed at him. Annoyed, he still went to work. He was a bus driver. He was late for 10 minutes and one passenger was crossed about this. The passenger shouted ,"where have you been?" Irritated, Jacky sat on the driver's seat. No one knew the quarrel of Jacky and passenger were not yet finished, and also what it would transform into. The bus went off at full speed. Before long, it was speeding down the hill. "Be quick, sloworm!" that passenger continued. Everyone thought he was a pyscho. He seemed to be in an enormous hurry. "How dare you waste my preciou...

Should Cell Phones Be Banned in Class?

With the ubiquity of cell phones, there are still many concerns arising on whether the usage of these mobile phones be removed from the learning environment. The world of cellular technology is rapidly increasing with the expanding features of multimedia and quick access to gaming which further drives interest among adolescents and even preteens. As such, this issue has been argued by many as it is known that cell phones are tools that are equipped with the latest features which can be helpful but unknowingly plays a crucial role. The utilization of cell phones should be allowed in the classroom. In class, teachers write a lot of important notes on the blackboard and ask the students to jot it down to the notebook. The largest stumbling block of this learning method is when students are jotting notes, they usually can not hear what the teacher has just said. That lowers the student's absorption of listening. Nowadays we have cellphones, so we can take photos of the notes and later ...

An Accident in Typhoon

A raging wind swept through Hong  Kong. The TV broadcast announced a Red Rainstorm Warning and a Typhoon Number Eight signal. Every glass door on the streets has an 'X' formed by tape. Trees were slanting in the wind and  people  were fleeing home. Buses and trains looked like sardine cans which were carrying 'homesick' people. Amy and Tommy were one of them. They are rushing home because their sons, Alan and William, aged 14 and 11, were supposed to waiting for them at home. Alan and William, were hurrying to the beach, attracting everyone to glance at them. Alan said,"Do you dare to play in the tides during typhoon?" He didn't know he would be remorseful soon and what it meant when William said yes. The younger brother, William who thought himself was very brave, agreed with his elder brother. Not long after, they reached the beach. Only a few people still dared to sit there and enjoyed their drinks. William suggested, "Let's race! Let's...

Bullying on School Bus

"Stop pushing me!" cried a high-pitched voice. There was laughter all around as a pint-sized boy try to board the school bus. The steps are steep and the little boy had to hold on to the side of the bus to climb up. He wobbled unsteadily as he stepped onto each step. The little boy had finally reached the top step when a burly boy behind him tugged at his school bag. The light tug caused him to lean back so much that he lost his balance and stepped right onto a bully's feet. I saw clearly in my eyes; yet I did not warn him as I didn't want to get into trouble, but an ominous hunch crept up to my head. "Hey!" shouted the bully. He pulled his feet out from under the little boy's, causing the latter to fall over and land right on him. A sense of horror rushed through my veins as I noticed that the bully was Ben. He had received six warning letters just because of bullying. Steadying himself, Ben pushed the little boy up the bus, shouting rudely at hi...

Ielts essay 2

Someone believes that accepting a bad situation is fine, such as an unsatisfactory job and salary. On the other hand, someone tries their best to change their fate of undergoing bad situation. Which one is more persuasive? Let's discuss about it. Some people accept the bad situation because they think that it is too much pressure to be more successful. They think that life should be relaxing and simple. If they have spare time, they will be undoubtedly choosing entertainment rather than learning something advanced. For example, my classmate, James, usually achieves Grade B in mathematics. As he is my true friend, I suggested two books of exercises for him. I said that they can help him to achieve Grade A. However, he rejected and told me that achieving grade A will lessen the room for improvement. I knew in my mind that it is a lame excuse. He is just too lazy to do those exercises and prefer to play computer games. A coin has two sides, other people argue that it will be better...

Relationship with My Mother

Describe your relationship with your mother Every morning, as I am doing my schoolwork in my room, the familiar sound of my mother's footsteps walking along the corridor reaches my ears. I know that in a few moments, my mother will be silently open my door, putting the snacks and peeled fruits on my desk quietly, so as not to stir me from my concentration. I know she will feel pleased as she watches me studying. My mother, at 42 years, has short straight hair which is neatly-combed. She is small-built and plump with an oval face. Yet, behind his brown glasses are soft, kind eyes. My mother has always been my source of encouragement. When I was very young, she taught me three kinds of language word by word. Every night, she would take an English or Chinese book from our small home library and read aloud to me. Secure and loved, on her lap, I was introduced to the fascinating realm of books. I remember how, as she was reading, my mother would point out each word from the para...

At the End of a Long Day

Describe the sights and sounds at the end of a long day. "Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" The school clock called three times. "Yeah!" I shouted in my head. "Time to pack up!". I straightened my stiff back and neck, the result of hours of hunching over textbooks and notes. Andrew had secretly thrown a paper plane at Jack avoiding teacher's detection; Mary and Lily were chatting animatedly, undoubtedly about gossip and rumors; William and James were rattling with Emma, the transfer student who came here for a week. With a grunt, I pushed my chair back, heaved myself up, started stuffing things into my huge schoolbag. I couldn't wait to go away from this whole noise-polluted room. As I stepped out through the wooden doors of the air-conditioned classroom, a blast of hot, humid air slammed me flat on my face, stunning me for a few seconds. Before long, I make a beeline at the back of the people in bus stop. "Hey, Tom, have your brother got well from...

Ielts Essay 1

The diagrams illustrate the average proportions of three types of nutrients in typical meals which can be  unhealthy if consume too much. The three types include sodium, saturated fats, and sugar. The data is taken from the United States of America. First, let's discuss about breakfast. Breakfast contains the lowest amount of sodium, saturated fat and sugar. It is the healthiest meal for US people. Through eating lunch, the three types of nutrients mentioned are lower than 30%. Among the three nutritions, sodium reaches 29% which is the highest. By eating dinner, sodium (43%), saturated fat(37%) and sugar (23%) are consumed. Last but not least, here come snacks. The added sugar of snacks reaches 42% which is the highest among all meals. All in all, the diagram shows  that every typical meal consumed in the USA contains a percentage of at least 14% of nutrients that can be unhealthy if you eat too much.


請你以「表哥/表姐,那一次我不是故意的。」為開首,續寫成一篇文章。 表哥,那一次我不是故意的。每一個早上當我打開電視機時,都會不由自主地看各地新增的病例,而當我看見歐美國家的人民因為不習慣戴口罩,每天新增數萬新冠肺炎病例時,一種內疚感就會湧上我心頭。 那天,我實在忍受不住在家隔離了一個月的沉悶生活,要求媽媽帶我到你家玩耍。其實那天我已經有輕微的喉嚨痛和打噴嚏,但為免取消行程,我騙媽媽說我只是鼻敏感。雖然媽媽相信我只是鼻敏感,但她仍然叫我戴上口罩。 到了你家後,我因為覺得口罩悶熱,便脫了下來收在口袋中。我們這麼久沒有見面,實在太興奮了,我們扭在一起打打鬧鬧,嘻哈大笑,玩得不亦樂乎,可是,那天晚上,我們都發燒了!更令人驚恐的是,我們翌日都出現咳嗽症狀,過了數天,我們的父母實在太擔心,所以送我們去醫院做新冠病毒檢測。 當我接受檢測時,我忐忑不安,我聽到自己的心卜卜亂跳,我緊張得滿臉通紅。不幸中之大幸,兩份報告都顯示呈陰性,我們和家人都重重地舒了一口氣!雖然如此, 但內疚感仍充滿我整個大腦,我連累了你生了兩星期的病。我自己沒好好照顧自己,生病是活該的,為什麼我要連累你呢? 雖然我很掛念你,很想再跟你一起追逐玩耍;很想跟你一起打電子遊戲機;很想跟你一起吃雪糕,但這次沒有感染新冠肺炎只是僥倖而已,我們還是不要見面了。希望疫情快點結束,一切回復正常!

An Embarrassing Situation

Describe an incident when a moment of forgetfulness got you into trouble. A brilliant sunbeam was slanting through a gap in the curtains. It was shining right on to my eyelids. Annoyed, I rolled on and ducked my head down into the middle of my soft pillow. Wondering about the time, I stretched out my arm to grasp the robot - shaped alarm clock on my bedside table. I forced open my eyes, focused them on the numbers ... and screeched! Jumping out of my bed, I swung open the wardrobe door. Putting on my school uniform, I dashed to the bathroom. Halfway, I spun around and grabbed my school bag, deciding not to brush my teeth. Soon, I grabbed the sandwich for my breakfast and rushed out of the door. As my feet raced on, I noticed a group of schoolgirls looking my way with great interest. Well, well! Obviously, I was still attractive even with uncombed hair. My heart was throbbing furiously in my chest as I sprinted past many people. In no time, I reached the bus stop.  I swallowe...