My Best Friend

Jack is an ordinary boy. He went to school daily just like all the other students. Nevertheless everyone else treated him differently. They never let him join in the games they played during recess. This made Jack a very lonely person.

Wherever Jack had walked, the other students would stop and stare at him. They looked upon him as though he had done something wrong. Jack knew that he was treated differently because he did not look like them. Jack had brown eyes and brown curly hair. His father was from Holland. He was a biracial child.

'Hey, Jack, would you like to play chess with me?'  I invited Jack to play with me one day. 'Sure. But I don't how to play chess game.' he replied awkwardly. I taught him as fast as I could. Hereafter, we played chess in every recess. Gradually, we became friends. In the initial stage, I usually won him. But his skill improved day by day. After a few days, he won me! My jaw dropped to the floor as my eyebrows shot towards the ceiling. I started to realise that Jack was much cleverer than I expected.

Chess brought Jack and me together. Getting alone with Jack is a wonderful experience. He is a straight A student in his class. The most admirable feature about him is his determination to succeed. From him, I have learnt to take failure with a smile and keep on trying with until success is achieved. He once encouraged me, 'shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you' ll land among the stars.'

I consider Jack my best friend because we share the same interests and I can always depend on him for help and encouragement in times of need.

From mid January onwards, our school cancelled all the classes because of the Coronavirus. We can only keep in touch using WhatsApp. We never know when the class suspension will end. I hope the Coronavirus will soon be controlled and the days  resume to normal, so I can play chess with Jack again.


  1. 謝利米哥哥,

    I also wrote the same topical but you are better than me.





