Going to Aviary and Bird Lake with My Class

I have always liked birds, since the day I heard of those fantastic creatures that could soar through the skies. Normally, I can only see most of them in books and on television, or the ordinary ones flying around Hong Kong. Last Friday, I eventually had a chance to see many different species of birds. I was thrilled when my class teacher told me that my class would go on a school trip to the Aviary and Bird Lake of Kowloon Park.

After a short bus ride, we arrived at the gates of the Kowloon Park. It was not long before we reached the aviary. There were over 1000 birds of all species, sizes and colours from around the world flying overhead of us. We made a beeline to the viewing cone. The birds' symphonies crept up to my ears and soothing hormones rushed through my veins.

'Class, take out your sketch books and color pencils,' our class teacher, Miss Li, asked us to draw our favorite birds. I liked the parrots most because they were the most beautiful. I then took out my tools and started drawing. I had dilemma of choosing which one to draw since there were many different parrots, including Blue-fronted Amazon Parrot, African Grey Parrot, Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot, etc. Ultimately, I chose the Blue-fronted Amazon Parrot. I was definitely enjoy the drawing time.

Two-hour later, we set off to the Bird Lake. While a swarm of white swans swimming there elegantly, another swarm of black swans dashed through the lake. Flamingoes and Kawaiian Geese were serenely standing by the water. 'Doom! Doom! 'Out of the blue, Andrew, a mischievous boy, was throwing stones in the lake in order to attack the swans. My heart was racing. I was worried about the swans. Luckily, a teacher stopped Andrew by giving him a good scold.

All too soon came the time for us to go back school for lunch. After lunch, we were required to write compositions about this amazing trip in both Chinese and English. In that night, I closed my eyes, remembering all that I had seen that day and drifted off into a bird-filled dream.


  1. 謝利米哥哥,

    I like the sentence "The birds' symphonies crept up to my ears and soothing hormones rushed through my veins."

    1. If you like it, recite it and make use of it. It belongs to you then. 😉





