Practice 2 Hide and Seek

 Jeremy was told to read a model composition once and then covered the model composition and write his own one(both copying by memory and self-creating are allowed).

Jeremy's work:

It was raining cats and dogs. Tom and his younger brother could not go outside. They decided to play hide and seek. while Tom's brother was searching for a hiding place, Tom covered his eyes stood facing a wall. In a loud steady voice, Tom counted, '8,9,10, I am coming!'

Tom opened his eyes and looked everywhere. He strained his ears and listened to the tiny sound that he can hear. The house was as quiet as A church mouse. Tom searched for his brother at any possible places. He stared the wardrobe, browsed under the bed, and did not find A dust.

Just at the moment before Tom gave up, with no warning whatsoever, A screeching sound broke the silence. 'Help! There is A flying cockroach!' Tom'S brother yelled at the top of his voice as he dashed out from the kitchen. Tom couldn't help but burst into laughter at the comical scene.

After chasing the cockroach out of the house, Tom and his brother decided not to play hide and seek anymore. Instead, they took out their board game and played.




