
目前顯示的是 3月, 2021的文章


我 想說說自己的故事。我是一部平板電腦,於2012年生於三星電子,隨後便被我的第一任主人--陳允行購入。 起初,主人 就對我愛不釋手。可是,好日子過了幾年,主人買了一部iPad。在快如閃電的iPad面前,年事已高, 行動遲緩的我毫無競爭力, 於是,我被束之高閣 。「醉裏挑燈看劍 ,夢回吹角連營」, 我想再戰沙場,但已驚覺無力。之後,主人弄丟了我的充電器,我便陷入了黑暗箱子的囚牢。當我再次開機時,我看到一個少年,後來才知道陳允行將我轉贈了給他的補習學生--李修端 , 更聽說他是一個「拆機狂魔」,我心知難逃一死, 欲哭無淚,只能坐以待斃。 萬萬沒想到的是,新主人不但為我買了新的充電器,而且開始修復我,重振我往日的光輝。一次原廠重設,一次系統升級,像一次次大刀闊斧的革命,將懶洋洋的「前朝遺老」全部逐出我的身體,我重獲新生。雖然不如初出茅廬時般充滿活力,但也可說是老當益壯 ,直至現在,我仍深受重用。

Newspaper cutting

 Form 1 homework: Related news.  Summary and comments:

A blog entry on your feelings of online lessons

Form 1 homework: It was all very new for me at first. The horrible pandemic of covid-19 has been speading amid the world from November 2019. At that time I was in primary 6, I was facing school suspension, attending zoom lessons, and getting distressed by the pandemic all of the first time. The pandemic did not get better as I thought so in 2020. In fact, it was worse. I was gloomy.  As for now, the January of 2021, we still cannot get rid of the pandemic yet. I am in-between zoom lessons and in-person lessons for the most time in Form 1. I feel sorrowful that the pandemic becomes the 'new normal'. I look forward to experiencing Form 1 life, expecting to interact with peers and teachers, meeting new friends, hoping to participate in extra-curriculm activities. However, suddenly, everything was robbed from my hands by the nasty pandemic. I was blue. I was imprisoned to my own flat, attending zoom lessons, whatsapping classmates, and even the first term test was online. Even I wa...

Practice 3 The Slide

 Jeremy was told to read a model composition once and then covered the model composition and write his own one(both copying by memory and self-creating are allowed). Jeremy's work:

Practice 2 Hide and Seek

 Jeremy was told to read a model composition once and then covered the model composition and write his own one(both copying by memory and self-creating are allowed). Jeremy's work: It was raining cats and dogs. Tom and his younger brother could not go outside. They decided to play hide and seek. while Tom's brother was searching for a hiding place, Tom covered his eyes stood facing a wall. In a loud steady voice, Tom counted, '8,9,10, I am coming!' Tom opened his eyes and looked everywhere. He strained his ears and listened to the tiny sound that he can hear. The house was as quiet as A church mouse. Tom searched for his brother at any possible places. He stared the wardrobe, browsed under the bed, and did not find A dust. Just at the moment before Tom gave up, with no warning whatsoever, A screeching sound broke the silence. 'Help! There is A flying cockroach!' Tom'S brother yelled at the top of his voice as he dashed out from the kitchen. Tom couldn't ...

Practice 1 Learn Cycling

 Jeremy was told to read a model composition once and then covered the model composition and write his own one(both copying by memory and self-creating are allowed). own one: Learn Cycling It was a brilliant Sunday morning. The sky was cloudless and there was A gentle breeze. The air is crisp and cool. Jon was like A dog with two tails as his dad was going to teach him cycling in the neighbourhood park. Jon'S dad got holding firmly on the bars of the bicycle while Jon put his feet on the pedal. Jon had got a cold feet. He was afraid of falling off from the bike. In a patient gentle tone, Jon'S dad consoled him and told him to keep balanced and pedal as hard as he could. Biting the bullet, Jon started to pedal. Before he was even aware of, Jon was sailing down the path at full speed. Jon'S dad was beaming from ear to ear. A sense of accomplishment crept up to Jon'S head. Jon'S dad wad in seventh heaven. As A reward, Jon'S father took him to McDonald for his favou...