
目前顯示的是 9月, 2020的文章

Reading Report : Charlie and the chocolate factory

This is the best story I've ever read. It's about a poor little boy, Charlie. At the beginning of the story, Charlie had nothing but poverty. I feel much sympathy for him. Charlie was very hungry, he desperately loved chocolate, but he can only get one little bar of Wonka's chocolate once a year, on his birthday. Charlie had a dream, he wanted to get into the Wonka's chocolate factory, because the factory was full of mysteries.  The factory was near Charlie's home, but he could not go in because the iron gate had been locked. Everyday Charlie went past the factory, it was a torture!  But one day, there was a chance to go in the factory. The factory owner, Mr. Wonka, offered five golden tickets for kids. If someone got one of them, he could go into the factory. The golden tickets were hidden underneath the wrapping paper of five ordinary bar of chocolate.  In a short period of time, four tickets were found by four spoiled children, only one opportunity left.  Unlucki...


拾香紀書一本文學小說。作者以第一人稱寫連十香的一生。連十香生於一九七四年,卒於一九九六年,只有短短二十二年的人生,卻見證了香港經濟騰飛的美好時光。她的父母共有十個子女,順序是大有、相逢、三多、四海、五美、六合、七喜、八寶、九傑和十香。 從他們十兄弟姊妹的故事當中,能了解到在哪數十年內,香港各行各業的黃金發展史。 這本書在我家的書櫃已塵封20年,媽媽一直都不捨得丟掉。因為這本書記載了香港在40年代到90年代的歷史,媽媽認為作為一個香港人,香港歷史不可不讀,媽媽一直努力教我識字,在小學四年級時,我終於看懂了這本文學作品。我看完之後,和媽媽一起討論,媽媽和我分享了她童年生活的回憶,這是我們親子共讀的快樂時光!如果故事主角連十香仍然在世的話,大約比我媽媽年長幾歲吧!


中一作文功課題目:我是一個______的人(必須正面) 還記得小學五年級的那個炎夏 ,我收到了一封來自媽媽的挑戰書,我一口答應 。 那天,我和媽媽吵了一場大架,因為她收到老師的投訴,指我不專心上課。 我向媽媽解釋,那些小學的數學我全部都懂了。媽媽氣得火冒三丈 ,說:「既然你這般厲害,你敢不敢去考中學的公開考試? 」我說:「如果是數學科的話,沒有問題 !」事情就此敲定。 翌日,平時做事慢吞吞的媽媽竟坐言起行,到書局買了一本像磚頭一般厚的大書,一揭開,全是密密麻麻的英文,我感到頭皮發麻,心中叫苦 ,但表面上裝得非常有自信,實質上是外強中乾 。 在學習中學數學的首三日,我悶悶不樂,有想過放棄,但我內心又忍不住好奇,想知道自己的學習能力到底有多強,所以我堅持下來了。就在第四天,我開竅了!自此以後,我就像打通了「任督二脈」,   認為這些數學不再可怕, 我越來越努力去學習,   對其興趣也與日遽增。我驚訝,驚訝得很,驚訝於自己竟然成功攻陷這本中學數學教科書。 不久,媽媽替我報名參加「國際中學教育普通證書」數學科的考試,   我順利通過並奪得 A 級的佳績。   原來小學生學中學的數學是絕對可行的!人一生必須接受挑戰,不要自我設限。我慶幸我自己是一個勇於接受挑戰的人! 抄襲自己的作品: https://q8c5s6j8.blogspot.com/2020/08/blog-post_18.html?m=1